Saturday, July 16, 2005

Fish Can't Fly

Daniel Gonzales at Exgay Watch wrote a review of Tom Murray's Fish Can't Fly, which made me realize that I never blogged about the premiere of this flim and with my parents coming to see it and all. Must get around to that.

Tom Murray has a sensitve and thoughtful eye and heart that comes through in the way he films his subjects (and I don't just say that because I was in the film!)
It will play next in San Francisco then it's off to Memphis. Check out the screening schedule to see if it is coming to a venue near you or just buy the DVD.


At 11:05 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Abby, you are referring to the "Son, you can't make a fish fly" comment from my play, right? Yes, my dad said that and after Tom Murray heard it, he asked if he could use that comment to create his title.

At the premiere at OUTFest in NYC he acknowledged my folks and thanked them. It was a special moment for them. It talk about the "Fish Can't Fly" conversation in the film. Murray did an expert job of editing between my telling of the story on stage then cutting away to me telling it off-stage.

Really your dad and mine should meet.

At 2:58 PM , Blogger Willie Hewes said...

Your father sounds like a sensible man. :)

At 11:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ordered my copy of the DVD the other day. At least I'll be able to get a taste of your show, to tide me over until you can make it to Baltimore.


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